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cat sitting in jigsaw puzzle box with box top propped up behind

The Missing Movement Piece(s)

exercises mat matwork philosophy pilates teaching


I have ever since I was a kid.


When I was growing up, we were each allowed to pick one present to open from under the tree on Christmas Eve. There was always much deliberating to grab the perfect one - I mean you didn’t want to open one of your ‘bigger’ presents and be left a bit sad the next day.

Bonus - we also got to open a family present!

Each year this was an easy decision, accomplished simply by shaking all the boxes until we identified the one that held within its reused wrapping paper from many years over, The Jigsaw Puzzle!

We had a low table covered in green vinyl that my dad originally built so we could play ‘farm’ on it with our miniature animals, fences, and barn. Once we outgrew that, the table transformed into the ‘puzzle table’ and my sisters, my mom, and I would sit on the floor on Christmas Eve and begin to put that new jigsaw together.



👇Currently I have an unfinished jigsaw puzzle on my dining room table that’s a beautiful scene from the Atherton Tablelands. I always enjoy puzzles of places I’ve actually been and Millaa Millaa Falls is one such place in FNQ (that’s Far North Queensland for you non Aussies).


In my memory (& my hubby’s) this is the only jigsaw that I’ve never, ever, actually finished!

What I mean to say is that it was previously on my dining room table years ago and not completed.😱 For a puzzle fanatic this is just, not, what, is, done!

I think I worked on this jigsaw for close to a year but for some reason couldn’t crack the green rainforesty bit that makes up over half the picture so, I finally gave up and it was packed away unfinished. Now, literally 8 years later, it’s back on the very same table and about 1/4 complete.


Why am I telling you this?

Why the long back story?

Well, while that puzzle beat me in 2014, I’ve come back stronger, wiser, more persistent than the first time, and am ready for another crack😂


This time I’m going to put every last piece in, as long as Miss Tish hasn’t eaten any - she does love hanging out in puzzle boxes (and pretty much anyplace she hangs out she 100% perfects her lounging Catness!)



My Jigsaw Puzzle & PILATES?

Of course you know I have a connection to share.


find that most people: clients, friends that are teachers, and me - have an exercise (or several) that are bugaboos.

I do subscribe to the theory that we need to work on the exercises we don’t enjoy because surprise, they’re usually the ones that we find challenging, right?

Well, I still believe that but have also realised the benefit of ‘putting them away’ for a time (maybe years?). Sometimes we have to leave these challenging exercises alone for a while before circling back once we’ve worked on the “missing pieces” to give them another crack.


What do I mean by that?

Let me give you an example

I know I’ve talked about it before but Leg Pull is a Mat exercise that

  • I Do Not Like
  • I Can Not Do, and because of that
  • I Do Not Practice.


I usually only check in on the Leg Pull when I have to and truthfully that occurs only once a year when I talk about it, dissect it, and actually have to make myself do it for March Matness.


If you’re not familiar with Leg Pull, in Joseph Pilates’ original 34 exercises it comes in at #26 and immediately follows the Leg Pull Front. Even the transition from one to the other is fraught with challenge!

Leg Pull Front position - yep, it’s a plank


 bringing one hand to the other👆


starting to side plank


opening the chest up and adjusting the feet


finally ready for Leg Pull!


Leg Pull is a reverse plank and once your hips are up you’re supposed to perform alternating straight leg kicks.


Did I mention that I hate extremely dislike this exercise?


What are the missing puzzle pieces that make this so challenging for me?


First let’s chat about what skills the exercise requires. As usual it’s a whole bunch:

  • Shoulder mobility, especially in external rotation
  • Shoulder blades that can move on your back
  • Upper back extension 
  • Upper body strength
  • The ability to lift up and then hold up the hips
  • Isometric quad strength
  • Front wall abdominal connection to support the lumber spine

I’m sure there are more but that’s a good few to start with.



My missing pieces - have I found them?

  • My upper body strength used to let me down but I have been working on that, so tick - got it.
  • It also used to be my ability to lift up my hips and hold them up there, I think I have that part down now as well. Hello Glutes and Underbum (aka your hamstring/glute connection)

Here’s my Bugaboo with a big old capital B!

  • It’s always been the kicks.
  • It’s still the kicks!

I cannot seem to find the quad support when I try to shift to one leg so that I can accomplish the kicks. It’s always felt (and still feels) like the back of my knee, on the leg that’s staying on the ground, is going to explode (I don’t know how else to describe it)


Yes, sadly this puzzle piece is still missing for me but how can I help fill it in until I check back on Leg Pull in March 2024?? (hey at least it won’t be 8 years like the puzzle, okay?🤣)

Let me introduce you to my friend the Foam Roller! Yay, a prop that will support me! 

Hey, we use what we can use to get the job done. It’s not a bad thing🤣



Should I just give up on my isometric quad strength?

You’d think that after 25 years of Pilates practice I would’ve just said that the Leg Pull was never going to happen for me.


I have to continue my skill building, you know my missing pieces, so that hopefully I can move past the need for the roller and…

Just like that unfinished puzzle I put back in the cupboard oh those many years ago, I can pull the Leg Pull out, work on it again, and eventually cross it off my Bugaboo list.

Won’t that be fabulous?


It’ll be like doing a puzzle without looking at the picture on the box!

It’ll be like starting a puzzle without doing the border first!

It’ll be like only looking at the actual cutout shape of the piece I’m trying to find and not picking up any other piece until I’m positive I’ve found it!

Think of the satisfaction!!!


Oooh challenge accepted - on Leg Pull and Millaa Millaa Falls!

Thanks for reading!

Be Well,





The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this blog are not intended to amount to advice and Rebecca Forde disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this post   

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